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Is this game ever going to continue?

i think so the creator could be having trouble with certain coding situations where maybe a important thing is being buggy but it would im ninety percent sure be updated saying ey im canceling it if the creatoor did plan to. also maybe there making an andriod version out constant support and saying people like it and would like a andriod way to play. as transfering all the code from pc to a whole new system would be very difficult with all the code you could copy paste but coding on a phone could be different from pc..


Android when?

from what ive seen they may not be one but the creator might because the update is taking a while they could be trying to figure out how to swap files between platforms.


Does anybody know how to start the game from begining?I deleted all the save files but doesn't work.

maybe reinstall and save at the start

like at a starting point but at a later area in the save menu so you can save at crucial points and not delete the save.


Will this eventually be available for Android?

I ❤️ this game! It’s so much fun. 


Quick question, though. Is there a New Game option? Like if you want to change your character’s appearance and start a brand new game? 


phenomenal game, it's amazing, and i really want to see more of each story!

I'm actually curious on how the whole stories for all three will progress...


I know you're saying that you don't plan to release this for android, but please, consider it... You would make more people happy.

OH my goodness... Tylos though, I'd marry him in a milli-second. I'm looking forward to more out your badtime stories!! Ronch is dreamy hehe. <3

(1 edit)

... I cried ;-; ... I loved that game... but.... Tylos ending... just broke my heart </3 ... can't wait to see more of you're work coz it's damn soooo gooood but Tylos' ending's just not right to me .... thanks for that game <3 I played 1.3 for now 


Will this come to android dont have a pc

For my own curiosity. Will the positions be at all variable or will the M/C always be the top? I'm not saying I'd bottom for Tylos and Ronch, but I would totally bottom for Tylos and Ronch.

Deleted 1 year ago

Neat, I was just curious. It's still a great story and game regardless.


Will there be on Android version?

Android version is currently not planned!


Will this come to android

Android version is currently not planned!

(5 edits) (+1)

I like it so far I wish you could keep your body type that you choose and you could pick your position my fav is Ronch. Also I wish you could be young not old in ronchs story. lol


Love the art style, the guys (especially Tylos!), and the concept. Though wish you could pick your position. Kinda killed it for me though when the PC was locked into being the top :/.Great work though and will check out the future updates/episodes. 


Just finished Tylos story and I really like it so far. Everything is nice about it and can't wait to see what else happens in the other stories. Also Tylos story ending broke my heart a bit. Want to change what ends up happening. >.<


I've never experienced this kind of narrative for a visual novel before, very unique. I have just one suggestion, would you add to the tags of this game the words "furry" and "bara" ? It would make it a lot easier to find this game on the site for those gay communities like love these kind of games.


Love the game, the characters are relatable, the art is superb, and there's a sense of something bigger moving behind the line, I'm pretty fired up to see where it goes.


YESSS like the foreshadowings and tons of lore already. this game's world is very rich already starting out :D


Really interesting game, interested to see where it goes!

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